Thursday 6 June 2013

The Ten Most Ludicrous Creationist Statements about Science and the Universe.

These were collected over the last year from Yahoo Answers, Facebook and Twitter. Some are answers to me and some to other people. 

10) How can atheists believe the sun just coincidentally happens to circle Earth giving it exactly the amount of light and heat it needs and darkness when we sleep if God doesn't move it?

9) The flu virus cannot be considered evidence of evolution unless it has ever evolved into a man. 

8) If evolution is true then why do trees rings show they are only hundreds of years old instead of millions?

7) Evolution is false because if you cut off the arms of every child in a generation, the next generation will still have arms.

6) Why do women still have babies if we can just evolve?

5) Evolution is false because chimps can't talk. (Bishop E. W. Jackson Republican nominee for lieutenant governor in Virginia)

4) Evolutionists can't even get their stories straight. Are our ancestors apes or fish? You can't have it both ways.

3) Scientists use intelligence and design in their biological experiments but still claim that intelligence and design don't exist.

2) As atheists claim science made the universe, shouldn't they be able to show some evidence? Isn't that what science does?

1) Evolution is a lie because it depends on DNA. DNA is an acid and if we had acid in us, we'd melt.


  1. I laughed so hard at this

    but could we blame scientists for not properly teaching science for the masses?

  2. In some cases, maybe, but if you follow @TakeThatDarwin, you'll see how many young people are determined not to listen or accept what they are taught on principle. :(

  3. I'd like No.1 to be true because if I had acid blood I'd be so xenomorph...

  4. I love this. Every time I think I have heard the dumbest thing ever, something else comes along to prove me wrong.
